Introducing Digimon ReArise

The opening of all "Melee" events has begun!
The "Melee"Special Chip Capture has begun!

"Ability Medal Capture" has begun!

"Thank you so much! Login Bonus" has begun!

The "Dragon's Light Chapter 3: Linking the Universe Together" event has begun!

The "Dragon's Light Chapter 2: The Awakening of Fire Blasting Dragon" event has begun!

"Fire Blasting Dragon Training" Tickets Capture

The "Dragon's Light Chapter 1: The Dragon's Key" event has begun!
Regarding Misconduct in Digimon Links

Regarding iPhone X
[Important] Digimon Links is Shutting Down
Regarding Colosseum Exchange
"Training campaign" has begun!
"Ability Medal Inheritance campaign" has begun!
The "Dragon's Light Side Story: Letter" event has begun!
Advent Schedule
À propos de la compatibilité avec Android 9.0 (10/August)
Release Announcement