The event started on Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 18:00 JST.
The event ended at the end of Wed, 5 Dec 2018 in JST.
The exchange was open until the end of Wed, 12 Dec 2018 in JST.
The event started on Mon, 26 Nov 2018 at 18:00 JST.
The event ended on Sun, 9 Dec 2018 at 14:00 JST.
The exchange was open until Sun, 16 Dec 2018, 14:00 JST.
- Type
- point collection & byte exchange
- Highlights
- WarGreymon V2, MetalGarurumon V2, new Protection chips
- Waves
- 2 + up to 3 extra waves (or 4 and no extra waves in Bonus)
- Bonus chips
- two kinds (boosting: points by 0.5/1.5/4.5 × pre-chip amount, extra wave appearance rates)
- Other chips
- blazing, electric killer; blazing, electric stats
Name | Stamina | Notes |
ボーナス級 Bonus | 30 | solo only, clearable only once per day, different every day, Apocalyptic Status Specialty Chip B as reward every day |
勇気友情絆級 Courageous Friendship | 40 | solo only |
超上級 Expert | 40 | |
上級 Hard | 30 | |
入門級 Beginner | 20 | |
| Beginner | Hard | Expert | Courageous Friendship | Bonus |
Base points | 2 | 4 | 6 | 10 | 100 |
No revive/continue | 2 | 4 | 6 | 30 | 50 |
Co-op host | 6 | 15 | 20 | | |
Extra wave 1 (MetalGarurumon) | 2 | 15 | 30 | 50 | |
Extra wave 2 (WarGreymon) | 2 | 20 | 40 | 60 | |
Extra wave 3 (MGm & WGm) | 4 | 35 | 70 | 110 | |
Estimated average total: solo | | | | | |
Estimated average total: host | | | | | |
Estimated average total: guest | | | | | |
For co-op guests, each amount is halved and rounded down (except the average, which already reflects this).
Point rewards:
New V2 Digimon
Stats at maximum level, maximum friendship, no chips, no talents and no leader skill:
Digimon | HP | ATK | DEF | S‑ATK | S‑DEF | SPD |
WarGreymon V2 | 3126 | 6791 | 6015 | 5579 | 5579 | 158 |
MetalGarurumon V2 | 2678 | 5612 | 5982 | 5579 | 5982 | 213 |
New chips
The new Protection (マモール) chips reduce damage received from a skill of a particular attribute by some percentage once per battle. For example, Dark Protection S (闇マモール S) reduces damage received from a dark skill by 40% once per battle. Each chip protects against all hits of a multihit skill, and it does not protect against normal attacks, counterattacks, All Delete or Eine Billion’s 30% HP damage.
Rank | G | F | E | D | C | B | A | S |
Reduction | 1% | 2% | 3% | 4% | 5% | 10% | 20% | 40% |
Two new monster captures accompany the event (until Thu, 6 Dec, 16:00 in Japan):
- A mega festival capture offering Beelzebumon X-Antibody, Beelzebumon, Omegamon Zwart, VenomVamdemon/VenomMyotismon, BlackWarGreymon, MetalGarurumon (Black), GranKuwagamon, Kuzuhamon. One per 10-capture has a major, adversity, flawless or linked ATK or S-ATK leader skill. All mega Digimon are awakened from +1 to +4, and all Digimon have maximum level.
- A training capture offering only the perfect/ultimate forms of the eight Digimon Adventure protagonist Digimon: MetalGreymon, WereGarurumon, Garudamon, Lilimon, Zudomon, AtlurKabuterimon, HolyAngemon/MagnaAngemon, Angewomon. One per 10-capture is +1 or higher and has a major leader skill. All Digimon may be awakened and have maximum level.
Byte exchange
Item | Limit | Price |
 | 50 | 140 bytes |
 | 100 | 90 bytes |
 | 100 | 90 bytes |
 | 50 | 80 bytes |
 | 50 | 80 bytes |
 | 50 | 65 bytes |
 | 50 | 65 bytes |
 | 50 | 65 bytes |
 | 50 | 65 bytes |
 | 50 | 80 bytes |
with 5 chip slots, DNA 1 and DEF Debuff IV1 | 800 bytes | |
with 5 chip slots, DNA 1 and S-DEF Debuff IV1 | 800 bytes | |
  | 42 | 150 bytes |
  | 42 | 150 bytes |
  | 42 | 150 bytes |
  | 42 | 150 bytes |
  | 42 | 150 bytes |
  | 42 | 150 bytes |
  | 42 | 250 bytes |
  | 12 | 200 bytes |
 | 3 | 900 bytes |
 | 30 | 250 bytes |
 | 3 | 900 bytes |
 | 30 | 250 bytes |
×1000 | — | 20 bytes |
Bonus -Light-
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Center | Salamon | 40 | 1986 | 1547 | 1226 | 2061 | 1335 | 90 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor physical Light damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
2 |
Right | Agumon | 45 | 2106 | 2130 | 1484 | 1598 | 1314 | 225 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
Center | Gatomon | 50 | 2331 | 2039 | 1581 | 2718 | 1729 | 90 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor physical Null damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
Left | Gabumon | 45 | 2106 | 1910 | 1460 | 1865 | 1460 | 182 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
3 |
Center | Angewomon | 60 | 2676 | 2531 | 1935 | 3374 | 2123 | 135 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major magical Light damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
4 |
Center | Ophanimon | 70 | 3169 | 2747 | 2705 | 3948 | 2681 | 176 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive magical Light damage to a single enemy with a chance to Sleep (3 AP) |
Bonus -Light-
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Center | Salamon | 40 | 1986 | 1547 | 1226 | 2061 | 1335 | 90 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor physical Light damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
2 |
Right | Agumon | 45 | 2106 | 2130 | 1484 | 1598 | 1314 | 225 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
Center | Gatomon | 50 | 2331 | 2039 | 1581 | 2718 | 1729 | 90 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor physical Null damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
Left | Gabumon | 45 | 2106 | 1910 | 1460 | 1865 | 1460 | 182 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
3 |
Center | Angewomon | 60 | 2676 | 2531 | 1935 | 3374 | 2123 | 135 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major magical Light damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
4 |
Center | Magnadramon | 70 | 3336 | 3434 | 2323 | 3091 | 3064 | 176 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Bonus -Hope-
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Agumon | 40 | 1986 | 1980 | 1359 | 1486 | 1202 | 225 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
Center | Patamon | 40 | 1986 | 1854 | 1335 | 1804 | 1335 | 81 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor magical Nature damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
Left | Gabumon | 40 | 1986 | 1779 | 1335 | 1734 | 1335 | 182 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
2 |
Center | Angemon | 50 | 2331 | 2605 | 1581 | 2605 | 1557 | 81 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Light damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
3 |
Center | MagnaAngemon | 60 | 2676 | 2812 | 1935 | 2531 | 2548 | 135 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
4 |
Center | Seraphimon | 70 | 3336 | 3091 | 2323 | 3434 | 3064 | 176 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Bonus -Purity-
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Agumon | 40 | 1986 | 1980 | 1359 | 1486 | 1202 | 225 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
Center | Palmon | 40 | 2582 | 1531 | 1335 | 1486 | 1335 | 81 |               | ① | HP↓ | Chance to Poison a single enemy (2 AP) |
Left | Gabumon | 40 | 1986 | 1779 | 1335 | 1734 | 1335 | 182 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
2 |
Center | Togemon | 50 | 3032 | 1999 | 1729 | 1954 | 1729 | 81 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor physical Nature damage to all enemies (2 AP) |
3 |
Center | Lillymon | 60 | 2676 | 3139 | 1911 | 3094 | 1911 | 121 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major magical Nature damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
4 |
Center | Rosemon | 70 | 3336 | 3487 | 2553 | 3442 | 2553 | 158 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive physical Nature damage to a single enemy with a chance to Paralyze (3 AP) |
Bonus -Wisdom-
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Agumon | 40 | 1986 | 1980 | 1359 | 1486 | 1202 | 225 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
Center | Tentomon | 40 | 2185 | 1320 | 1693 | 1486 | 1469 | 77 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
Left | Gabumon | 40 | 1986 | 1779 | 1335 | 1734 | 1335 | 182 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
2 |
Center | Kabuterimon | 50 | 2331 | 1954 | 2099 | 2170 | 1557 | 90 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
3 |
Center | MegaKabuterimon | 60 | 2676 | 3228 | 2147 | 2422 | 1911 | 135 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major physical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
4 |
Center | HerculesKabuterimon | 70 | 3704 | 2458 | 2909 | 2885 | 2885 | 176 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Bonus -Trust-
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Agumon | 40 | 1986 | 1980 | 1359 | 1486 | 1202 | 225 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
Center | Gomamon | 40 | 2582 | 1486 | 1359 | 1486 | 1335 | 81 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor magical Water damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
Left | Gabumon | 40 | 1986 | 1779 | 1335 | 1734 | 1335 | 182 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
2 |
Center | Ikkakumon | 50 | 3032 | 1954 | 1753 | 1954 | 1729 | 81 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Fire damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
3 |
Center | Zudomon | 60 | 3479 | 2422 | 2147 | 2422 | 2123 | 121 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major physical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
4 |
Center | Vikemon | 70 | 4003 | 3278 | 2553 | 2951 | 2323 | 176 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive physical Water damage to a single enemy with a chance to Stun (3 AP) |
Bonus -Love-
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Agumon | 40 | 1986 | 1980 | 1359 | 1486 | 1202 | 225 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
Center | Biyomon | 40 | 1986 | 1734 | 1321 | 1734 | 1299 | 81 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor magical Fire damage to a single enemy (2 AP) |
Left | Gabumon | 40 | 1986 | 1779 | 1335 | 1734 | 1335 | 182 |               | ① | HP↓ | Protect all allies by taking damage for them for 3 rounds (2 AP) |
② | HP↓ | Normal attack |
2 |
Center | Birdramon | 50 | 1865 | 1909 | 1788 | 1909 | 1764 | 126 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minimal magical Fire damage to all enemies (2 AP) |
3 |
Center | Garudamon | 60 | 2141 | 2368 | 2190 | 2368 | 2166 | 166 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major magical Fire damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
4 |
Center | Phoenixmon | 70 | 3336 | 2951 | 2323 | 3933 | 2553 | 176 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate magical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Courageous Friendship
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Phoenixmon | 55 | 3424 | 2427 | 2081 | 3235 | 2282 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate magical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | Rosemon | 55 | 3424 | 2870 | 2282 | 2831 | 2282 | 105 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive physical Nature damage to a single enemy with a chance to Paralyze (3 AP) |
Left | Vikemon | 55 | 4109 | 2696 | 2282 | 2427 | 2081 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive physical Water damage to a single enemy with a chance to Stun (3 AP) |
2 (with roughly 50% chance) |
Right | Seraphimon | 55 | 3424 | 2548 | 2081 | 2831 | 2738 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | HerculesKabuterimon | 55 | 3802 | 2021 | 2606 | 2372 | 2579 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | Magnadramon | 55 | 3424 | 2831 | 2081 | 2548 | 2738 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate physical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
2 (with roughly 50% chance) |
Right | Ophanimon | 55 | 3253 | 2264 | 2423 | 3254 | 2396 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive magical Light damage to a single enemy with a chance to Sleep (3 AP) |
Center | HerculesKabuterimon | 55 | 3802 | 2021 | 2606 | 2372 | 2579 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | Seraphimon | 55 | 3424 | 2548 | 2081 | 2831 | 2738 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | MetalGarurumon | 60 | 3149 | 2804 | 2561 | 2756 | 2561 | 164 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | WarGreymon | 61 | 3960 | 3787 | 2565 | 2841 | 2282 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Left | MetalGarurumon | 62 | 3187 | 2848 | 2612 | 2800 | 2612 | 164 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Right | WarGreymon | 62 | 3984 | 3817 | 2590 | 2864 | 2305 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Phoenixmon | 55 | 3368 | 2427 | 2081 | 3235 | 2282 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate magical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | Rosemon | 55 | 3368 | 2870 | 2282 | 2831 | 2282 | 105 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive physical Nature damage to a single enemy with a chance to Paralyze (3 AP) |
Left | Vikemon | 55 | 4041 | 2696 | 2282 | 2427 | 2081 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive physical Water damage to a single enemy with a chance to Stun (3 AP) |
2 (with roughly 50% chance) |
Right | Seraphimon | 55 | 3368 | 2548 | 2081 | 2831 | 2738 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | HerculesKabuterimon | 55 | 3739 | 2021 | 2606 | 2372 | 2579 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | Magnadramon | 55 | 3368 | 2831 | 2081 | 2548 | 2738 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate physical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
2 (with roughly 50% chance) |
Right | Ophanimon | 55 | 3199 | 2264 | 2423 | 3254 | 2396 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive magical Light damage to a single enemy with a chance to Sleep (3 AP) |
Center | HerculesKabuterimon | 55 | 3739 | 2021 | 2606 | 2372 | 2579 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Massive magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | Seraphimon | 55 | 3368 | 2548 | 2081 | 2831 | 2738 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | MetalGarurumon | 60 | 3149 | 2804 | 2561 | 2756 | 2561 | 164 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | WarGreymon | 60 | 3936 | 3757 | 2540 | 2819 | 2260 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Left | MetalGarurumon | 60 | 3149 | 2804 | 2561 | 2756 | 2561 | 164 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Right | WarGreymon | 60 | 3936 | 3757 | 2540 | 2819 | 2260 | 117 |               | ① | aggro↑ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Phoenixmon | 45 | 3016 | 2108 | 1952 | 2810 | 2135 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate magical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | Rosemon | 45 | 3016 | 2495 | 2135 | 2459 | 2135 | 105 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive physical Nature damage to a single enemy with a chance to Paralyze (3 AP) |
Left | Vikemon | 45 | 3619 | 2342 | 2135 | 2108 | 1952 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive physical Water damage to a single enemy with a chance to Stun (3 AP) |
2 (with roughly 50% chance) |
Right | Seraphimon | 45 | 3016 | 2220 | 1952 | 2467 | 2562 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | HerculesKabuterimon | 45 | 3349 | 1756 | 2443 | 2061 | 2413 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | Magnadramon | 45 | 3016 | 2467 | 1952 | 2220 | 2562 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
2 (with roughly 50% chance) |
Right | Ophanimon | 45 | 2865 | 1973 | 2272 | 2836 | 2242 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive magical Light damage to a single enemy with a chance to Sleep (3 AP) |
Center | HerculesKabuterimon | 45 | 3349 | 1756 | 2443 | 2061 | 2413 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Massive magical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | Seraphimon | 45 | 3016 | 2220 | 1952 | 2467 | 2562 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | MetalGarurumon | 45 | 2503 | 2191 | 2178 | 2152 | 2178 | 164 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | WarGreymon | 45 | 3128 | 2935 | 2165 | 2202 | 1922 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Left | MetalGarurumon | 45 | 2503 | 2191 | 2178 | 2152 | 2178 | 164 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Right | WarGreymon | 45 | 3128 | 2935 | 2165 | 2202 | 1922 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
| Lv | HP | ATK | DEF | SATK | SDEF | SPD | Resistance | Round | Target | Skill |
1 |
Right | Garudamon | 30 | 1565 | 1351 | 1382 | 1351 | 1360 | 151 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major magical Fire damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Center | Lillymon | 30 | 1956 | 1796 | 1200 | 1766 | 1200 | 97 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major magical Nature damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | Zudomon | 30 | 2543 | 1382 | 1355 | 1382 | 1333 | 97 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major physical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
2 |
Right | Angewomon | 35 | 2076 | 1567 | 1334 | 2089 | 1458 | 108 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major magical Light damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Center | MagnaAngemon | 35 | 2076 | 1741 | 1334 | 1567 | 1749 | 108 |               | ① | HP↓ | Minor magical Light damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Left | MegaKabuterimon | 35 | 2076 | 1992 | 1480 | 1494 | 1312 | 108 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major physical Thunder damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | WereGarurumon | 40 | 1976 | 1875 | 1368 | 1875 | 1346 | 140 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major physical Null damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Right | MetalGreymon | 40 | 2196 | 2142 | 1605 | 1607 | 1425 | 108 |               | ① | HP↓ | Major physical Fire damage to a single enemy (3 AP) |
Left | MetalGarurumon | 40 | 2093 | 1799 | 1787 | 1769 | 1787 | 164 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Right | WarGreymon | 40 | 2616 | 2412 | 1774 | 1810 | 1577 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Right | MetalGarurumon | 40 | 2093 | 1799 | 1787 | 1769 | 1787 | 164 |               | ① | HP↓ | Multiple hits of minor physical Water damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Center | Omegamon | 40 | 2616 | 2536 | 1950 | 2536 | 1401 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |
Left | WarGreymon | 40 | 2616 | 2412 | 1774 | 1810 | 1577 | 117 |               | ① | HP↓ | Moderate physical Fire damage to all enemies (3 AP) |